Adult Participants
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This session is aimed towards adults of any age that want to improve their health and well-being. While we advocate for children to include more sports and exercise in their lives, we also understand how important it is for adults to have a safe space to learn how to incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into their lives. As we grow older life and responsibilities may get in the way and exercising may be pushes aside however it is so important to have and maintain a healthy life. With our programme we strive to help our older participants with maintaining a consistent healthy lifestyle with our physical exercise session.
The programme also includes:
- Strengthening and Conditioning
- Light Exercise Routines
- Seated & Chair Based Exercises
- Stationary Bike Exercises
- Nutritional Advice
- Reminiscence
- Relaxation
- Full Body Massages
- Life Skills/Mentoring/Social Networking
We provide DysLetics programmes for adults of all ages as dyslexia does not only affect children but adults as well.
Adults with dyslexia or dyspraxia are more likely to have low levels of confidence in their work and social life. Studies show that including physical activity in your daily routine helps to boost these low levels of self-esteem in adults. Therefore, we focus on providing interventions such as our Athletics, Eating Healthy + Exercise = Healthy Body and Recoup programmes so that adults with these difficulties have the safe space to enhance their cognitive and physical skills.
Helping our participants enhance their physical skills means that they are staying active and healthy which is fundamental for older adults especially those with physical and learning difficulties as mobility becomes more difficult with age but also due to their dyslexia/dyspraxia. We provide a variety specialist services to support our participants such as group and 1-2-1 physical activities where we focus on light and accessible movements to help strengthen muscles and develop motor skills. We also offer services such as:
- Mobility therapy
- Reminiscence
- Massages
- Hip and Joint flexor exercise

During our sessions we aim to help our participants strengthen and condition their muscles to help improve their overall wellbeing.
Our specialist utilises specific physical activities that strengthen and condition the upper, middle and lower part of the body.
Strengthening and conditioning helps to maintain and increase muscle endurance which will help our participants not only become stronger but also help how they move in their day-to-day life.
Making sure that all our participants feel included and engaged is extremely important therefor our coaches make sure to include chair based or stationary exercises in our adult programmes.
We understand that some of our older participants have limited range of motion whether due to a physical disability, accident, or age.
Some exercises can be hard to execute so we replace these exercises with chair-based ones to ensure that our participants are still keeping active!

Muscles need relaxing? Joints feeling stiff? We provide specialist full or half body message appointments to help with all types of bodily pains and soreness.
We also Aromatherapy which healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts and essential oils that promote health and wellbeing. It not only enhances physical health but also emotional health as it helps to relax and distress the mind and body.
With our qualified fitness instructors, we step out of the stuffy gyms and into nature as we breath in the fresh air, have fun, sweat and lose some pounds!
As part of our programmes we like to include outdoor fitness as well. From light jogging to running on a track, we like to make sure our participants get some fresh air while exercising.
Exercising outdoors has many benefits such as boosting mental health, burning more calories and boosting self-esteem. Exercising outdoors is more challenging due to the different terrain and weather conditions.
Participants will face obstacles in nature that will challenge them and in turn boost their self-confidence and help burn more calories.

While we primarily focus on the physical wellbeing of our adult participants, we also know how important the mental wellbeing of our participants is. We want all of our participants to be able to get the mental health support that they need while taking part in our programmes.
Keeping an active and healthy lifestyle has been proven to help mental wellbeing. The ‘feel-good’ chemicals in our brain, also known as endorphins, are released during physical activities which in turn helps to improve mood and energy levels. It can even help those struggling with sleep issues, which in turn helps improving overall wellbeing.
Our older participants are more likely to feel the effects of loneliness and isolation which causes depression and anxiety. With this in mind we aim to create programmes that help our adult participants with their mental wellbeing through exposure to sports, exercise and by creating a safe environment to talk about the challenges that they face in their daily life.
We care about the mental wellbeing of every participant, and we are here to listen!
Recoup, much like our other programmes, is an adult programme that promotes health &wellbeing, mental wellness and physical fitness based within the London Borough of Wandsworth!
We provide a wide range of services from general physical fitness to athletics training. Like our other programme we focus on helping adults improve their relationship with sports and exercise specifically by including athletics-based services such as:
- Coach-to-Running 5K
- Walk-Jog-Run-Repeat
- Fitness classes
- Meditation
- Outdoor exercises
- Strengthening and conditioning
This adult programme is for all ages and abilities! Whether you have a physical or learning disability we aim to provide a high-quality fitness programme for everyone.
Session are run every Monday! Find more details in bookings!