The aim for this event was to get the kids involved playing sports that they may not play at school, such as handball and tag rugby. We feel that this is important as providing a range of different sports to perhaps the norm gives children the opportunity to find out about something new and be able to fall in love with a sport that perhaps isn’t common place in other areas of their life. This can always be inspirational to those who are younger and can be a huge motivator to get them out there to take up these sports full time, to keep fit and active, and who knows, maybe to go onto to represent Great Britain at the Olympics! As well as the many different sports being part of the event, we also had dance sessions where our coaches taught the children a dance. This was something that provided them still with that fitness and movement in their bodies, but was a whole lot of fun for everyone.
While all these great activities were part of it, we also understand and instilled in the children the idea that a healthy diet goes hand in hand with a good amount of exercise. Our nutrition coach brought in all sorts of fruit and veg for the kids to try and explained the benefits of having your 5-a-day as a key aspect of a healthy diet, as well as explains ways in which you can keep yourself on track to keeping that diet.