Eating Healthy + Exercise = Healthy Body


Eating Healthy + Exercise = Healthy Body

Need a health boost then join our Eating Healthy + Exercise = Healthy Body Programme on Wednesdays! 

This session is aimed towards adults of any age that want to improve their health and well-being. While we advocate for children to include more sports and exercise in their lives, we also understand how important it is for adults to have a safe space to learn how to incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into their lives. As we grow older life and responsibilities may get in the way and exercising may be pushes aside however it is so important to have and maintain a healthy life. With our programme we strive to help our older participants with maintaining a consistent healthy lifestyle with our physical exercise session. 

The programme also includes: 

  • Strengthening and Conditioning 
  • Light Exercise Routines 
  • Seated & Chair Based Exercises 
  • Stationary Bike Exercises 
  • Nutritional Advice 
  • Reminiscence 
  • Relaxation 
  • Full Body Massages 
  • Life Skills/Mentoring/Social Networking 

In addition to physical activities, we also provide social activities such as social meetings, nutritional meetings and cooking and healthy eating classes. Through these meetings our participants can not only learn about the benefits of healthy eating but also socialise and converse with others on various topics such as mental health. We also offer mentoring services to support, engage and advocate for our participants. 

Session runs every Wednesday at 10:45 am! Find more details in bookings!

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